Tuesday Social TV Must-Reads

Today’s Social TV must-reads include curated articles on tonight’s TV highlights, Sunday’s ratings, social media news, including follow-up stories about Nielsen and Twitter’s ratings deal, and how Twitter is changing TV comedy as well as TV programming news, research, advertising, sports and the Latin market. Tell us what you think on Twitter where we are @socialTVDaily.
Our Top Pick
Does Twitter Kill TV Comedy?
Despite outward appearances, the topical monologue is still the backbone of Seth Meyers’ Weekend Update on SNL, and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Yet, with Twitter offering yet another way to laugh at the news, could the sheer speed of tweets threaten late-night primacy much in the same way the 24-hour cable news cycle forever altered our relationship with nightly network news?
Read the article, via Fast Company Co-Create http://www.fastcocreate.com/1682101/does-twitter-kill-tv-comedy-writers-from-the-daily-show-snl-fallon-and-others-sound-off
Tonight’s TV Highlights
Home Alone on ABC Family at 8 p.m., NCIS at 8 p.m. on CBS and The Voice season finale at 9 p.m. on NBC.
Read the article, via LA Times http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-tuesdays-tv-highlights-ncis-on-cbs-20121217,0,2670112.story
TV Ratings
- Sunday Night
They were two of the most engrossing hours on television all year… and they took place on the same night… and Showtime is now reaping the ratings benefit of Sunday’s Dexter Season 7 finale and Homeland Season 2 finale. The former was viewed by 2.75 million people, which is an increase of 23 percent from last year’s finale, and which makes it the most-watched episode of an original series in the HISTORY of the network. Homeland, meanwhile, hit its own high: 2.3 million households tuned in to see Brody go on the run. That’s a 32 percent boost from the Homeland Season 1 finale.
Read the article, via TV Fanatic http://www.tvfanatic.com/2012/12/dexter-season-finale-sets-showtime-ratings-record/
- Sunday TV Show Ratings: Survivor, Bob’s Burgers, Cleveland Show, Bachelorette Special
See the ratings grid for Sunday.
Read more, via TV Series Finale http://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/sunday-tv-show-ratings-survivor-bobs-burgers-cleveland-show-simpsons-bachelorette-presidential-address-26025/
- ‘Bachelorette’ wedding fizzles while ‘Sunday Night Football’ rules for NBC
The matchup of the San Francisco 49ers and New England Patriots resulted in big ratings for NBC’s “Sunday Night Football” this week, giving the broadcast one of its biggest audiences of the season.
CBS also got a big boost from an afternoon NFL game that ate up nearly the entire first hour of primetime, which in turn helped the “Survivor: Philippines” finale improve on last spring’s finale. ABC’s “Bachelorette” wedding special, however, got hammered, finishing last in both of its hours.
Read the article, via Zap2it http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/2012/12/tv-ratings-bachelorette-wedding-fizzles-while-sunday-night-football-rules-for-nbc.html
- Rating to measure reach of TV-centic tweets
The Nielsen Twitter TV rating will be provided to clients along with overnight TV data beginning in the fall, it will also evolve to real-time delivery. While the measurement will entail a broad set of data points that encompass social activity before, during and after a given program, it will also be boiled down to a single number that will be made publicly available in a top-10 format giving a day-to-day sense of the top shows on Twitter.
Hasker didn’t rule out other leading social-media platforms including Facebook eventually being incorporated into other similar data partnerships.
Read the article, Variety via Chicago Tribune http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/sns-201212171651reedbusivarietynvr1118063721-20121217,0,3125627.story
- Nielsen and Twitter Partner on New TV Rating Metric
When you’re talking TV, it’s all about the buzz and that’s what Twitter creates with hashtags and trending lists. If you were an advertiser, would you rather have a show with big ratings but little chatter or a show with less viewers and more chatter? You might be tempted to go for more viewers, but think about the loyalty behind shows with chatter. Those fans are committed. They’re going to buy the T-shirt and tell their friends. The ultimate is when you can get both. Look at a show like Glee.
Read the article, via Marketing Pilgrim http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/2012/12/nielsen-and-twitter-partner-on-new-tv-rating-metric.html
- Film & TV Industries Cancel Premieres & Screenings
In the aftermath of the tragic event in Newtown, Conn., on Friday, TV and Film adjusted schedules.
Read the article, AP via Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/18/newtown-shooting-entertainment-film-tv-cancel_n_2321389.html
- Participant Media plans cable TV network for millennials
Participant Media, one of the backers of the hit historical drama “Lincoln”, will launch a cable TV network next summer with programming that focuses on social issues of interest to the millenials generation of teens and young adults.
Read the article, Reuters via Chicago Tribune http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-12-17/business/sns-rt-us-tv-participantbre8bh063-20121217_1_participant-media-pay-tv-cable-tv-network
- Gossip Girl Identity Revealed, Five Kinds of GG Finale Viewers on Twitter #xoxogossipgirl
Gossip Girl ran for six years in U.S. television. The series was both a young girl’s fashion and fiction entertainment magazine and a young woman’s guilty pleasure. Now that the last fix has been served, mixed reactions were expressed via Twitter.
Read the article, via International Business Times http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/416128/20121218/gossip-girl-reveal-dan-humphrey-trending-topic.htm#.UNCVcINZV0Y
As expected, TV enjoyed the biggest portion of the U.S. advertising expenditures in the third quarterm up 7 percent compared to last year, which was inflated by spending on the 2012 London Summer Olympics and various political campaigns. All told, TV generated $18.3 billion in ad sales revenue, an improvement of 15 percent versus $15.9 billion a year ago.
Read the article, via AdWeek http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/tv-takes-gold-q3-146017
(Release) Worldwide pay-TV Subscriber to Reach 907 Million in 2013 as HD and IPTV Services Advance, Says ABI Research
Read the release, http://www.fiercecable.com/press-releases/worldwide-pay-tv-subscriber-reach-907-million-2013-hd-and-iptv-services-adv
Apple TV and Video Discovery Apps
AirPlay Mirroring enables viewers to tap into just about any of the hundreds of thousands of apps available to download from the App Store.
Read the article, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brad-spirrison/apple-tv-set_b_2295625.html
Web TV service Hulu books $695 million in annual revenue
Hulu, the privately held Internet streaming TV service, will generate about $695 million in revenue in 2012 and finish the year with more than 3 million paying subscribers, the company’s CEO said on Monday.
Read the article, Reuters via Yahoo http://news.yahoo.com/tv-hulu-books-695-million-annual-revenue-182915743–finance.html
Latin Market
- Businessman Linked to Plane Carrying Jenni Rivera: ‘It Was in Perfect Condition’
Christian Esquino Nuñez, the alleged owner of the plane in which the Mexican singer Jenni Rivera died, gave his first television interview to Univision News.
Read the article, via ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/Entertainment/businessman-linked-plane-carrying-jenni-rivera-perfect-condition/story?id=18001539#.UNCaW4NZV0Y
Via NBC Latino
Christian Esquino Nuñez, the alleged owner of the plane in which the Mexican singer Jenni Rivera died, gave his first television interview to Univision News.
Esquino, 50, spoke on the record with Telemundo, revealing his activity in the aftermath of the tragic event.
“The first I thing I did was communicate with the authorities,” Esquino told Noticias Telemundo about his reaction to the news of the accident.
Read the article, via NBC Latino http://nbclatino.com/2012/12/17/jenni-rivera-plane-crash-mexican-owner-tells-all-in-new-telemundo-interview/
- Fans Cast Over 1.5 Million Votes to Send First Miss Universe Semifinalst to 2012 Pageant
Over 1.5 million votes have been registered to select the “fan vote” semifinalist for the upcoming 2012 Miss Universe to air on Telemundo on Wednesday, Dec., 19 at 8pm ET from Las Vegas.
Read the article, via Broadway World http://tv.broadwayworld.com/article/MISS-UNIVERSE-Fans-Cast-Over-15-Million-Votes-to-Send-First-Semifinalst-to-2012-Pageant-20121217
- Comcast More than Doubles Spanish-Language On Demand Content on TV and Online with Xfinity Latino
(Release) Comcast today announced the launch of Xfinity Latino, a package of 10 Hispanic channels, as well as upgrading Comcast’s Hispanic On Demand content on TV and online. The channel lineup includes new television networks such as BabyFirst TV Americas Español, beIN SPORT Español, Centroamerica TV, LAS (Latin American Sports), Pasiones, and Vme Kids. Subscribers will also get access to alternate feeds of Telefutura, Telemundo and Univision, giving customers access to watch or record programs from both East and West Coast broadcasts from all three channels.
Read the article, via Daily Finance http://www.dailyfinance.com/2012/12/17/comcast-more-than-doubles-spanish-language-on-dema/
Social Media
Twitter surpasses 200M active monthly users
Twitter had hit the 100 million mark in September 2011, and as of spring 2012 was boasting of 140 million. It was at that latter point in time that Twitter disclosed its not so modest ambition of eventually reaching 2 billion users. Facebook, by contrast, currently claims on the order of 1 billion active users. All those Twitter users now generate 1 billion tweets every two-and-a-half days, according to Twitter.
Read the article, via Cnet http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57559774-93/twitter-surpasses-200m-active-monthly-users/
- Dodgers, MLB talking structure of TV deal
The discussions with MLB center on whether all of the Dodgers’ guaranteed television revenue should be subject to baseball’s revenue-sharing program. The league believes — and there are indications the court might agree — that the Dodgers must take some element of risk with any money not subject to revenue sharing.
Read the article, via LA Times http://www.latimes.com/sports/dodgersnow/la-sp-dn-dodgers-mlb-tv-fox-20121217,0,5194664.story
- Some Big 12 assistant athletic directors use Twitter to engage fans
Read about how college athletics managers are using social media.
Read the article, via TCU360 http://www.tcu360.com/sports/2012/12/16686.some-big-12-assistant-athletic-directors-use-twitter-engage-fans
- NHL lockout doing ‘alarming’ damage to brand
The league has a major marketing challenge facing it, whenever it decides to end the current lockout – and the longer it goes on, the worse it will get. Such are the astonishing – yet, in other ways, not at all surprising – findings of a major survey conducted by Level5 Strategy Group, a survey that took place, significantly, in the slightly calmer period just prior to the recent press-conference histrionics in New York and the league deciding to sue the players’ union to determine, bizarrely, that it is in fact a union.
Read the article, via Canada’s Globe and Mail http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/nhl-lockout-doing-alarming-damage-to-brand/article6500907/