Tuesday’s Social TV Must-Reads (March 5)

Our top story comes from Pravda, the iconic Russian news organization, which delves into social TV with an explainer.
From Russia, with love, we go to TV tonight, with ‘American Idol” starting its live shows on Fox, while USA’s “White Collar” has its season finale at 10. Looking back, Mark Burnett’s “The Bible” outdrew any broadcast show Sunday night.
Lots of research stories to explore, including an overview of the OTT market, and NBC Chicago taking a look at Edelman’s recent 2013 Trust Barometer report. In sports, Regis, at 81, is coming back to TV, hosting a program on Fox’s new sports channel later this year.
Check out these stories and much more in our daily midday report on Social TV Must-Reads, then tell us what you think and share!
Top Story
Russia’s Pravda Explains Social TV
So what is Social TV? The technology of Social TV is based on the introduction of social media directly into television, thus eliminating the Achilles’ heel of TV — its one-sidedness. Interactivity grows, and the line between what is happening on the screen and the viewers disappears as viewers become involved in what is going on.
Read the article, http://english.pravda.ru/science/tech/05-03-2013/123978-social_tv-0/
TV Tonight
- ‘American Idol,’ ‘Golden Boy’
Tonight, “American Idol” swings into its live/viewer voting phase at 8 p.m., as the first 10 of the show’s 20 semifinalists perform, with 10 more performing tomorrow and the results announced on Thursday.
Read the article, via USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2013/03/05/bianco-critics-corner-march-5/1962203/
- ‘White Collar’ on USA
The season finale of “White Collar” airs on USA tonight at 10 p.m.
Read the article, via LA Times http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-tuesdays-tv-highlights-white-collar-on-usa-20130304,0,5077134.story
TV Ratings
Mark Burnett’s ‘The Bible’ begets record ratings
The miniseries’ two-hour cable network premiere was seen by 13.1 million viewers and scored a 3.3 rating among adults 18-49. That’s more viewers and a higher demo rating than any show on the major broadcast networks last night and ranks as cable’s most-watched entertainment telecast this year.
Read the article http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/03/04/bible-ratings/
To Goose TV Audience, Scripps Uses the Web
Scripps Networks Interactive are creating ancillary material related to their viewers’ favorite programs and making it available for web viewing and mobile use, while keeping the program itself in its original TV home.
Read the article http://adage.com/article/media/goose-tv-audience-scripps-web/240147/
Nielsen to Expand TV Measurement to Seven Days, Moonves Says
Nielsen will adopt a seven-day standard next year, an increase from the current three days, CBS Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves predicted Monday at an investor conference sponsored by Deutsche Bank AG.
Read the article http://www.businessweek.com/news/2013-03-04/nielsen-to-expand-tv-ratings-to-seven-days-cbs-ceo-moonves-says
Is Facebook Losing Its cool?
Facebook (FB) itself disclosed in its annual 10-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that its users – which number more than 1 billion globally – are spending more time on competing services.
Read the article, via Yahoo Finance http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/facebook-losing-cool-155059875.html
- The State of OTT Content Delivery 2013
Is there a place for over-the-top (OTT) delivery beyond the living room? Yes, and 2012 marked a dramatic shift in the market that OTT has created, enough so that OTT may soon become indistinguishable from TV Everywhere — or even television delivery itself.
Read the article http://www.streamingmedia.com/Articles/Editorial/Featured-Articles/The-State-of-OTT-Content-Delivery-2013-88178.aspx
- Another Reason Why Social Media isn’t a Panacea: Study
Hot-stuff PR agency Edelman has released its 2013 Trust Barometer study, and boy are the results interesting. Although distrust in business and government around the world, in general, is shrinking, people, still, are awful distrustful.
Read the article http://www.nbcchicago.com/blogs/inc-well/Another-Reason-Why-Social-Media-isnt-a-Panacea-Study-195124111.html
- Microsoft unveils ViralSearch, a Twitter search tool for finding viral content
Today the company revealed a new research project today called ViralSearch that uses a search engine to identify the most popular content on Twitter.
Read the article http://venturebeat.com/2013/03/05/microsoft-unveils-viralsearch-a-twitter-search-tool-for-finding-viral-content/
Online Video
YouTube partners complain about Google ads, revenue sharing
YouTube partners charge that Google isn’t capturing as much ad money as it could, as well as throttling the revenue it shares.
Read the article http://www.theverge.com/2013/3/4/4062810/youtube-partners-complain-revenue-sharing-google-ads
- Weekend TV Sports Ratings
USA Today’s Michael Hiestand reviews the weekend ratings of sports TV.
- Regis Philbin to host Fox Sports cable show
Television legend Regis Philbin has been without a regular TV gig since leaving Live! With Regis and Kelly in 2011. But this summer, Reeg, 81, will return to the airwaves with a series on Fox Sports 1 — a new channel that will replace the Fox-owned Speed channel on cable.
Read the article http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/03/05/regis-philbin-fox-sports-show/
Latin Market
Univision Sets Up Corporate Business Development Group
Univision Communications has formed a corporate business development group, tapping Tonia O’Connor to serve as its president. O’Connor joined Univision in January 2008 as the executive VP of distribution sales and marketing. She will continue to drive Univision’s content distribution efforts, in addition to these new responsibilities.
Read the article http://www.worldscreen.com/articles/display/2013-4-5-lat-univision-communications-corporate-business-develop
Social TV Daily publishes a daily roundup of news articles across the Internet. Excerpts are drawn from the content and full URLs are included.