For those who have declared Twitter the winner of the Social TV battle, the aftermath of Facebook pulling the plug on the Peacock network should be instructive. Yesterday, multiple reports said that NBC’s website had been hacked to spread a computer virus and that Facebook pulled access, not allowing users to share links to the network. Read more
February 22nd, 2013
Advertising, Social Media, Technology, TV News
On the week that started on Sunday, Feb. 3, with the biggest-yet social TV event, the NFL’s Super Bowl, and ended with the TVHackfest in San Francisco, the most popular Social TV Daily article was our Storify compilation of the social TV community’s reaction to Twitter’s acquisition of Bluefin Labs of Cambridge, Mass. Read more
February 10th, 2013
Advertising, Social Media, TV News
Look at the ads dominating the Facebook conversation well into the game on Sunday night (via Facebook)
As of 10:20 PM ET:
1. 49ers
2. Let’s Go
3. Come On
4. We Got a Game
5. Read more
February 4th, 2013
Advertising, Research, Social Media