“Big media has always been the way things blow up from the grassroots into the culture,” said BuzzFeed editor in chief Ben Smith. “One step in the process is the mainstream media catching on,” he said, but that doesn’t mean that the interest is inauthentic. Read more
October 22nd, 2012
Social Media, TV News
Not long ago, TV was the overwhelming voice in the political conversation. It consisted of campaigns talking at us, often in ways that drove us batty.
Today, the television is but one of the screens battling for voters’ attention. Read more
October 21st, 2012
Social Media, TV News
The 2012 election is the first truly “social” presidential cycle. Candidates from major and minor parties alike are plastered all over the most popular sites, with presences on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, not to mention Tumblr, Reddit, Quora and many others. Read more
October 12th, 2012
Social Media
Last week’s first Presidential debate broke a Twitter record. With over 10 million total tweets coming in from start to finish, it became the most tweeted-about event in U.S. politics. Could the Vice Presidential debate live up to that sort of social media chatter? Read more
October 12th, 2012
TV News
Tune in Thursday night, then, when Vice President Joe Biden faces off against GOP vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan, and sparks are almost certain to fly.Given the “attack dog” role that most VP candidates assume, its not surprising that vice presidential debates are often heavy on aggression, and contain some memorable one-liners. Read more
October 10th, 2012
TV News
Twitter analytics #denverdebate
Twitter measured more than 10.3 million tweets during the Presidential candidates debate in Denver on Wednesday night, via Twitter Blog. Read more
October 4th, 2012
Social Media, TV News