CTAM Summit: SocialTV Needs an OMG Experience | Cable Television News | Broadcast Syndication | Programming | Multichannel.com


Orlando — It took a 10-person, all-black acappela gospel choir from the Southside Church of Christ of Orlando to drive home a message about social media to a CTAM Summit panel here Sunday.

By the end of the Oct. 14 session, titled “Moving the Needle with Social TV,” the choir sang a religious song to the melody of Stevie Wonder’s “Master Blaster” and “Isn’t She Lovely” at the request of Procter & Gamble’s Dustin Garis.

Garis, corporate innovator at P&G, had brought the choir to the session to the panel to prove a single point he pushed throughout the session: “How can TV be the gateway to people experience a richer life.”

Pushing the same tired, old marketing messages — even in the spanking-new world of social TV — simply doesn’t work, he said. “People want to live memorable lives. There’s a gap between aspirations and reality.  How do we use social media to close that gap?”

Garis, showed a heart-tugging P&G TV campaign that ran during the Olympics about thanking moms, who are the biggest buyers of P&G products. He said the commercial was a spark to a broader conversation. The company then developed specific unique social-TV apps that allowed people to thank their moms.

He said marketers today need to find richer ways to enhance people’s lives, and close the gap between what people “would do” and what people “could do.” The gap, he said, is a term he calls “life profit.”

via CTAM Summit: SocialTV Needs an OMG Experience | Cable Television News | Broadcast Syndication | Programming | Multichannel.com.

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