Simon Staffans: Four criteria for evaluating IP and transmedia potential | Social TV Apps – The Future of Multiplatform Television, Transmedia, Social TV, Smart TV and Connected TV


Story is everything when it comes to transmedia. Is it a compelling and immersive story that has the weight and the bones to stretch to different platforms? Does it have a story world already in place, or is it easily conceivable how such a world could be designed and developed? Are the protagonists and antagonists (and side characters) suitable for a deeper mythology? Is it possible to sense the existence of a narrative superstructure somewhere along the road? If a project’s Story supports transmedia, you’re halfway there. If it doesn’t, don’t bother.

via Simon Staffans: Four criteria for evaluating IP and transmedia potential | Social TV Apps – The Future of Multiplatform Television, Transmedia, Social TV, Smart TV and Connected TV.

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