Social media analysis: ‘Bayonets’ fail to cut Romney, but overall debate sentiment swings Obama’s way – U.S. News


NBC Politics analyzed 988,000 post-debate posts on Twitter and Facebook using a tool called ForSight, a data platform developed by Crimson Hexagon Inc., which many research and business organizations have adopted to gauge public opinion in new media. It isn’t the same as traditional surveys, which seek to reflect national opinion; instead, it’s a broad, non-predictive snapshot of what’s being said by Americans who follow politics and are active on Facebook, Twitter or both at a particular moment in time, and why they’re saying it.

Overall, a slim majority favored Obama in comments posted through 1:30 p.m. ET Wednesday:

via Social media analysis: ‘Bayonets’ fail to cut Romney, but overall debate sentiment swings Obama’s way – U.S. News.

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