Social TV Plugs In to DirecTV | Adweek


Social TV startup Miso wants to know what you’re watching—and it may have found the perfect way to find out, through a just-announced partnership with DirecTV.

The Google Ventures-backed company demonstrated its new set-top box integration at its San Francisco office earlier this week. Now, if you’re a DirecTV subscriber and you want to tell your friends that you’re watching Doctor Who, you don’t have to search through a long list of shows and episodes. Instead, once you’ve synced up Miso with your DirecTV system, the app automatically displays what you’re watching, and you can check-in by just pressing a button. If you’re not sure what to watch, the app provides additional details


about each program, and it stays up-to-date as you channel surf.

via Social TV Plugs In to DirecTV | Adweek.

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