Will CNN Abandon News? Why It Might Be Inevitable – International Business Times

Via International Business Times:

While CNN has denied the kind of sweeping format overhaul suggested by the Post, such a change would be far from unprecedented in the natural-selection ecosphere of cable television. Consider the devolutionary paths forged by MTV and TLC, both of which have veered so far off course from their founding mission statements that we’ve all but forgotten what their initials originally stood for. If a network that once called itself The Learning Channel was forced to choose "Kate Plus 8" over obsolesce, CNN may ultimately face a similar dilemma. Although currently third among news cablers, it is not alone in its struggle to keep viewers’ attention in the age of the Internet, iPhones, DVRs and Twitter — none of which existed when CNN first went on the air. Ultimately, the uncertain future of CNN reflects the broader realities affecting cable news in general.

via Will CNN Abandon News? Why It Might Be Inevitable – International Business Times.

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