Why the Surface tablet launch signals a bold new direction for Microsoft | News | TechRadar


26 October 2012 will be a landmark day for Microsoft which signals a fundamental shift in the company’s strategy.

Yes, it’s the day that Windows 8 will be released to the world, but more significantly it’s also the rumoured launch day for Surface – a bold new hardware platform which is indicative of a broader philosophical rethink for the Windows creator.

Since the announcement of Surface, Microsoft has been in fighting mood, and its old rival Apple is the focus of this new found aggression. Shortly after revealing Surface, CEO Steve Ballmer went on the offensive, telling CRN “We are not going to leave any space uncovered to Apple… Not the consumer cloud. Not hardware-software innovation. We are not leaving any of that to Apple by itself. Not going to happen. Not on our watch.”

via Why the Surface tablet launch signals a bold new direction for Microsoft | News | TechRadar.

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